Weekend flights
The weather was ideal for some flying this weekend. On Sunday I made a quick trip (I fly a KR) to Cairo where a number of locals get together for lunch on Sundays. I arrived just as the hamburgers were coming off the grill. Food was great as well as the company of “old” airport bums. I cut out early to get back to watch the Indy 500. Nice air both ways.
On memorial day I flew up to Sparta and enjoyed some coffee and donuts on arrival. I then joined about 18 other airplanes in a fly-by at the Hecker, Illinois cemetery for a memorial day service. It seems Sparta gets a lot of visitors from the St.Louis / Belleville area and they seem to know their way around the airport. On the return I stopped in at Carbondale and had a brief visit with Pete Polete as he worked on the RV10 cowl. With the speed of the KR I was home in time to get in an afternoon nap. Flying!!! You really should try it some time.