February Meeting Highlights
- Our new president, Don Morris, started meeting off with a bang. He gave his background as a teacher of chemistry and physics. Later, after working in industry and losing a job, he wanted to fly as a kid, so when he got funding he went to flying school in St. Louis. Got his CFI, II and A&P. Went back to teaching at SIU-C and also dabbles in aircraft salvage and various other cool projects.
- Dave Warner did a slide presentation on putting vinyl wrap on his Skyhawk.
- Dr. Terry Hall, an AME in Benton, is available for BasicMed and other Airman Medical Exams, and is ready to fly his Zenith 750 Cruiser any day now.
- The EAA B-17 will be here June 4.
- The new Mayfield KY Chapter 807 held their first meeting and will meet first Sundays at 2PM, would be a good fly-out for us.
- Bill Hunter did a marvelous job on our chapter’s application for the Ray Scholarship and if accepted he’ll be our Ray Scholarship Chairman.
- Dan Bean has been moved to the Acute Rehab Center at Herrin Hospital and is doing well, room 244.